Friday, October 15, 2010

Linear time is so 19th century: A flashback to my last weekend in Jax

While I hold no strong philosophical objection to the natural linear progression of time, my iPhoto decided to go on strike at the particular moment that I would have liked to create a post.  So, in more modern narrativist fashion, this blog has forsaken linear time and returned to a more distant past than the previous entry. 

I've always thought of myself as rather adventurous, but my dear boyfriend provides constant reminders (usually through actions and less so through words) that insisting you are open-minded may often actually be a sign of closed-mindedness.

And so, we went on our first fishing trip together.  I would never choose to go fishing on my own, but Ky's enthusiasm is quite persuasive and usually just as contagious.  After an earlier trip to purchase most of the necessary fishing equipment from the local sporting goods store, an extensive conversation with the seemingly competent sales person, and several hours of reading on the internet about how, where, and when to catch fish as well as what fish one could expect to hook in North Florida (my inherent skepticism was looking for an answer to the question why one would want to try to catch fish when the Publix down the street offered a perfectly nice selection of seafood), we set off early Saturday morning on the 9th of October to purchase some bait (shrimp and minnows) and headed to our favorite Northeast Florida beach.

I let the fisherman do his work, while I adopted the role of photographer with my relatively new digital camera (a gift from the fisherman in question).  Having finally read my manual, which was actually supposed to be a precondition for my use of the camera, and having learned a few things from our household's professional photographer (and amateur fisherperson), I managed to snap a few worthwhile pics.

Without further ado, I present you with a photo montage of a "fall" fishing scene from Fernandina Beach, Florida:

Le Catch du jour

Old Man and the Sea :)

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